Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A few life hacks (;

It is said that life isn't a bed of roses. But that doesn't mean it's a bed of thorns either. Let me get this straight, Life is NOT a bed - neither or roses nor thorns. One CANNOT afford to rest in life, so we can't really call it a bed. Even when you're sleeping, your heart still beats, your lungs still breath, your mind still thinks and the world around you goes on.
The truth is: Life is hard and the only thing you can do about it is set a few rules which make your life easier- not by changing things around you, but changing yourself. I'm not talking about becoming someone completely different, I'd want you to bring about a few voluntary changes that would help you to have a more positive outlook towards life.
You can just follow certain rules- use sensible, or rather, systematic shortcuts which would automatically ensure a tension and stress free life.
  1. Plan out your goals for the day- Jot down a few things you'd want to achieve in the day. Prioritize and finish them one by one and carry the ones you cannot finish to the next day and make sure you complete them first
  2. Wake up and sleep early- Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Sleeping well boosts your energy and gives you the potential to give in your best throughout the day.
  3. Use your free time to do something creative- Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple once said, 'Creativity is just connecting things', Whether means playing your guitar or painting a masterpiece or watching your favorite movie for the millionth time or doing whatever, just do it. Creativity is the essence of life. So go ahead, pick up that toolbox from that dusty shelf and make a masterpiece :D
  4. Clean stuff around you in the rest of your free time- It keeps your house neat as well as gives you something to do. It maybe a bit boring at first, but it's surely useful.
  5. Earn your own money- That way you aren't indebted to anyone and you'd get a sense of responsibility and independence. You won't have to answer anyone as to how or where you spent the money because its your own hard work.
  6. Only comment when you're asked to do so- This makes sure others don't get offended and you kind of stay away from drama in your life.
  7. Visit blogs that interest you at least once a day- Keeps you refreshed and updated. Guess that's all I can say. :x
  8. Move on- Sometimes that's all you can do when things don't work out. Life's full of opportunities, so learn to forgive, forget and move on.
  9. Risk it all and try new things- Learn to take risks. Life isn't fun otherwise. But at the same time, know the difference between mistakes and risks.
  10. Be honest, always- That way you don't have to remember what you said. And be straight forward. I'd rather want someone to tell me the truth rather than to make excuses, won't you?
  11. Prepare for everything a night in advance- That way you get a few minutes of extra sleep time next morning and you won't have to forget something in a rush.
  12. Walk a lot- I mean it. A LOT. It is scientifically proved that brisk walking at least an hour a day prevents so many diseases and keeps your health intact. It also adds years to your life and kick-starts your mood.
  13. Write down your commitments somewhere you'd see them everyday so you won't forget- It helps you to do your work without forgetting before deadline.
  14. Ask- For help, advice and if you're not sure about something. You're never gonna know unless you ask. So go ahead and askkk.
  15. Do one thing at a time- And always give in your best. Focus on one goal at a time so that things are easier.
  16. Keep a USB and a few more things in handy- You never know when your hair gets messed up or when you need something from your friend's computer. Plan out a list of things that you think are essential. Cosmetics, a deodorant, writing material or whatever you think is useful. Put those things in a small bag and carry it with you where ever you go.
  17. Keep yourself organised- Best way to make your life simpler.
  18. Stay out of other people's life- Helping them out is okay. Getting involved in their lives is not. Live your life independently and let them do the same.
  19. Smile- And if you do, smile more often. Everyone looks beautiful when they smile (:
  20. Try replacing cold drinks with water or coconut water- They aren't harmful and are very very refreshing. You don't need cola or soda when you're thirsty. You need water.
  21. Exercise everyday- Whether you think you need it or not, its always better to keep yourself flexible and healthy.

    -That's all for noww.

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